Project Element Devlog #1
Tag: Himig »
Time to start the devlog!
Note: This is an old development post that was previously only available on Patreon (back when I had one) and Ko-fi. Himig was still called “Project Element” at the time.
Note: Replaced old GIFs with JPGs to save space.
Hello! Time to start the devlog. I’m aiming on updating here weekly. We’ll see how that goes!

For the past few weeks, I’ve been doing art tests to relearn 3D and to dip my toes on how to do the graphics for the game. I’ve done a small scene and a character test so far, and this week I started working on a bigger scene test which is about a third done texture-wise.

This wil probably be the last art test for the meantime. I wanted to learn how to do foliage and skyboxes, as well as trying out how to model things in proportion to characters before moving on to coding the game systems. Still a lot more to improve on, but I should be able to learn as I go now.
That’s all for now. This is quite short, but thanks for reading! See you next week.