Project Element Devlog #5
Tag: Himig »
Just me quietly adding more features to the dialogue system.
Note: This is an old development post that was previously only available on Patreon (back when I had one) and Ko-fi. Himig was still called “Project Element” at the time.
Note: Replaced old GIFs with JPGs to save space.

Hello! Updates for the whole month of June have pretty much just been me adding features to the dialogue system. At least now it’s in a state that I’m satisfied with so I can move on to other things. For now.
A few dialogue-related things that got added were invisible walls that could trigger dialogues, dialogues that can run depending on what location the player is in, flag requirements to check if interactable objects should appear/hide or if dialogues should play, and mouse inputs for dialogues.
For actions in the dialogue system, location-changing, windowboxing, and changing dialogue files while in the middle of one were added. ALSO, somehow I forgot about it, but the very important actions of moving, rotating, and scaling an object were added as well. Still can’t believe I forgot that I need to move things in 3D… I guess I was used to just adding “change portrait image” functions in a dialogue system…

Documented all the actions and dialogue things as I will definitely forget about them once I start doing something else. The plan for next month is to model additional locations while fleshing out the story and characters more. Time to collect references before June literally ends in a few minutes…!
That’s all for now. Thank you for reading! See you next time.